About Neurotransmitter Panel
For our Neurotransmitter Panel, 8 gene variants have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms).
A neurotransmitter imbalance can cause or contribute to the following problems:
- Persistent sadness or loss of interest
- Panic or fear states
- Attention deficits and hyperactivity
- Disorders associated with mood swings
- Sleeplessness
- Weight Issues
- Hormone and Adrenal Dysfunction
- Memory Issues
- Migraines / Headaches
The reports, created by our medical experts, will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon many factors and their clinical expertise. The report assists the provider to recommend the proper nutrition and health advisements safely based on the patient’s DNA results.
Brain Chemistry of Neurotransmitters
Billions of neurons exist in the brain and they all need to work appropriately. These cells share information with other nerve cells through electrical impulses, allowing for thought and communication throughout the body. Neurotransmitters inform many necessary processes like getting your heart to beat, your stomach to digest, or your lungs to breathe. While all neurotransmitters transmit information, they do not all do so in the same manner or with the same intention.
How Neurotransmitter Genetic Testing Can Help
The issues that accompany an imbalance of inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters can be exacerbated by specific genetic SNPs in neurotransmitter markers like COMT, MAO-A, MAO-B, GAB 12. Drugs (recreational and/or prescription), neurotoxins, stress, alcohol, poor diet, and caffeine can also fuel symptoms by encouraging these SNPs to further express themselves.
The neurotransmitter genetic testing shares what SNPs you have within the neurotransmitter markers. This information allows Rx Gene Therapy to recommend nutritionally support specific to those genetic shortcomings. Ultimately, neurotransmitter genetic testing lets doctors and their patients understand their underlying issues with neurotransmitter function and implement personalized solutions.